It’s All About the Flavor!
Flavor, flavor and more flavor!
In terms of flavor Sushike has always been on the right track, because every bit that adds taste to sushi has been there from the start. Our biggest R & D hurdle has been consistency.
Balancing Rice and Cauliflower
Our R & D kitchen was working hard to improve the consistency of our cauliflower mass. Judges’ feedback challenged us to search for better balance in rice–cauliflower mix and more sushilike texture and mouthfeel.
Cauliflower truly needed balancing. Too much of it made our mass squishy, which is not pleasant on the palate. Besides a nice mouthfeel we wanted Sushike to absolutely stay in chopsticks.
Consistency Was also a Production Issue
Cauliflower made also our production tougher. Getting pure cauliflower mass through our nigiri machine was a pain. When we added more rice to the mixture, our machine started popping out some A grade nigiri pillows.
Cauliflower still remained an issue, though. Enzymes in cauliflower caused ready made Sushike to become soaked in a few days, which meant more challenges for us with the consistency of our product.
We ended up testing Finnish barley as one solution to fix consistency issues. In the episode we got great feedback on it, and after that barley has become one part of Sushike recipes… But lets not get ahed of ourselves.
Concept, Promise and a Bit More
So we went big on fine dining with our taste variant challenge in the episode. Jukka even started wondering in the end if we “ready to ship, what was offer in the challenge”.
This we can promise you: Sushike lets you enjoy the flavor, not the calories.
17 points and tied 1st place in the flavor challenge. Thank you!