Our Brand Story Didn’t Please the Judges

This week’s episode featured a mood board and radio commercial to highlight our brand story. Highlight quickly turned to lowlight as judges’ critique was tough, though well-deserved. Must admit it was hard to take at first, but some tough love was needed. It has, and will, make us better!

We’re still aiming for balance

In this week’s episode Mimi’s pitch was centered around balance. The key point was that Sushike has you covered on both sides of the scale; health and flavor. We’re still not budging on our initial thought but won’t start our sales pitch with it either. In the future we will tell what we actually do:

Sushi, better

We think Sushike isn’t a diet product in the first place. It’s a good tasting meal that just happens to be light in calories.

”Use all the Time for Product Development”

As Jyrki Sukula saide earlier in the show, we truly are going to use all the time for product development. World deserves a great-tasting and healthy sushi, and that’s Sushike. But as you can imagine, we’re quite not there yet.

To tell you the truth, at that point of the show we probably didn’t even realise how much work there was to be done…