What on Earth is Glucomannan

Part of rice in Sushike has been replaced by glucomannan, which means Sushike has less calories and carbohydrates than regular sushi. Glucomannan truly is a great ingredient with lots of benefits.

While all of us might not be as familiar with Glucomannan as we are, let’s take a short dive into what it is and why it’s good for you.

Natural Fiber with great health benefits

Glucomannan is an all-natural product, which has been used in Asia for thousands of years. It is made from root of konjac plant and is odorless and tasteless. It has lots of health benefits and besides that it’s great when it comes to making foodstuff such as Sushike.

Glucomannan helps maintain normal cholesterol levels

Clucomannan helps keep your cholesterol in check when daily intake is at least 4 grams of glucomannan. Sushike products have you covered, so they are beneficial and healthy in both caloric intake and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

Glucomannan makes weight loss easier in combination with energy restricted diet

Glucomannan ties a lot of liquid – even 300 times its own weight. This makes it great in maintaining a satiated feeling, and eases keeping up energy restricted diet when enjoyed with enough water. That means Sushike products ease losing weight – just be sure not drink calories on the side but a healthy 1–2 glasses of water.

Glucomannan is believed to have other positive health effects

Glucomannan is often combined to health claims about its benefits for intestinal health (It is – when translated word to word from Japanese – called bowel broom.) and about its low glycemic index that helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. There’s not however enough scientific evidence to back these up so far.